use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_tts::*; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, bevy_tts::TtsPlugin)) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, (event_poll, greet)) .run(); } // Speaks a bunch of messages and changes TTS properties. fn setup(mut tts: ResMut) { tts.speak("Hello, world.", false).unwrap(); let Features { rate, .. } = tts.supported_features(); if rate { let original_rate = tts.get_rate().unwrap(); tts.speak(format!("Current rate: {}", original_rate), false) .unwrap(); let max_rate = tts.max_rate(); tts.set_rate(max_rate).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is very fast.", false).unwrap(); let min_rate = tts.min_rate(); tts.set_rate(min_rate).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is very slow.", false).unwrap(); let normal_rate = tts.normal_rate(); tts.set_rate(normal_rate).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is the normal rate.", false).unwrap(); tts.set_rate(original_rate).unwrap(); } let Features { pitch, .. } = tts.supported_features(); if pitch { let original_pitch = tts.get_pitch().unwrap(); let max_pitch = tts.max_pitch(); tts.set_pitch(max_pitch).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is high-pitch.", false).unwrap(); let min_pitch = tts.min_pitch(); tts.set_pitch(min_pitch).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is low pitch.", false).unwrap(); let normal_pitch = tts.normal_pitch(); tts.set_pitch(normal_pitch).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is normal pitch.", false).unwrap(); tts.set_pitch(original_pitch).unwrap(); } let Features { volume, .. } = tts.supported_features(); if volume { let original_volume = tts.get_volume().unwrap(); let max_volume = tts.max_volume(); tts.set_volume(max_volume).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is loud!", false).unwrap(); let min_volume = tts.min_volume(); tts.set_volume(min_volume).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is quiet.", false).unwrap(); let normal_volume = tts.normal_volume(); tts.set_volume(normal_volume).unwrap(); tts.speak("This is normal volume.", false).unwrap(); tts.set_volume(original_volume).unwrap(); } tts.speak("Press G for a greeting.", false).unwrap(); } // Reports events from TTS subsystem. fn event_poll(mut events: EventReader) { for event in { println!("{:?}", event); } } // Shows how to output speech in response to a keypress. fn greet(input: Res>, mut tts: ResMut) { if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyG) { tts.speak("Hey there!", true).unwrap(); } }