tool extends EditorPlugin var Accessible = preload("") const TTS = preload("res://addons/godot-tts/godot-tts.gdns") var tts func augment_node(node): if node is Control:, node) func augment_tree(node): augment_node(node) for child in node.get_children(): augment_tree(child) func set_initial_screen_focus(screen): tts.speak(screen, true) var control = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if control.get_focus_owner() != null: return self.augment_tree(get_tree().root) var focus = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if not focus: return focus.grab_click_focus() focus.grab_focus() func find_focusable_control(node): if node is Control and node.is_visible_in_tree() and (node.focus_mode == Control.FOCUS_CLICK or node.focus_mode == Control.FOCUS_ALL): return node for child in node.get_children(): var result = find_focusable_control(child) if result: return result return null func set_initial_scene_focus(scene): print("Set focus in scene") self.augment_tree(get_tree().root) var focus = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if not focus: return focus.grab_click_focus() focus.grab_focus() func _enter_tree(): tts = get_tree().connect("node_added", self, "augment_tree") connect("scene_changed", self, "set_initial_scene_focus") connect("main_screen_changed", self, "set_initial_screen_focus") func _exit_tree(): # Clean-up of the plugin goes here pass func _notification(what): # print("Notified: %s" % what) if what == MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_WM_QUIT_REQUEST: print("User requested the project to quit")