tool extends Node signal swipe_left signal swipe_right signal swipe_up signal swipe_down var Accessible = preload("") var accessibles = [] export var min_swipe_distance = 5 export var tap_execute_interval = 125 export var explore_by_touch_interval = 200 var focus_restore_timer func focused(node): focus_restore_timer = null func click_focused(node): pass func unfocused(node): focus_restore_timer = get_tree().create_timer(0.2) func augment_node(node): if node is Control: var accessible = accessibles.append(accessible) if not node.is_connected("focus_entered", self, "focused"): node.connect("focus_entered", self, "focused", [node]) if not node.is_connected("mouse_entered", self, "click_focused"): node.connect("mouse_entered", self, "click_focused", [node]) if not node.is_connected("focus_exited", self, "unfocused"): node.connect("focus_exited", self, "unfocused", [node]) if not node.is_connected("mouse_exited", self, "unfocused"): node.connect("mouse_exited", self, "unfocused", [node]) func augment_tree(node): if node is Accessible: return augment_node(node) for child in node.get_children(): augment_tree(child) func set_initial_screen_focus(screen): TTS.speak("%s: screen" % screen, false) var control = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if control.get_focus_owner() != null: return self.augment_tree(get_tree().root) var focus = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if not focus: return focus.grab_click_focus() focus.grab_focus() func find_focusable_control(node): if node is Control and node.is_visible_in_tree() and (node.focus_mode == Control.FOCUS_CLICK or node.focus_mode == Control.FOCUS_ALL): return node for child in node.get_children(): var result = find_focusable_control(child) if result: return result return null func set_initial_scene_focus(scene): self.augment_tree(get_tree().root) var focus = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if not focus: return focus.grab_click_focus() focus.grab_focus() func _enter_tree(): get_tree().connect("node_added", self, "augment_tree") connect("swipe_right", self, "swipe_right") connect("swipe_left", self, "swipe_left") connect("swipe_up", self, "swipe_up") connect("swipe_down", self, "swipe_down") func _exit_tree(): for accessible in accessibles: accessibles = [] func press_and_release(action): var event = event.action = action event.pressed = true get_tree().input_event(event) event.pressed = false get_tree().input_event(event) func swipe_right(): press_and_release("ui_focus_next") func swipe_left(): press_and_release("ui_focus_prev") func swipe_up(): TTS.speak("Swipe up") func swipe_down(): TTS.speak("Swipe down") var touch_index = null var touch_position = null var touch_start_time = null var touch_stop_time = null var explore_by_touch = false var tap_count = 0 func _input(event): if event is InputEventScreenTouch: get_tree().set_input_as_handled() if touch_index and event.index != touch_index: return if event.pressed: touch_index = event.index touch_position = event.position touch_start_time = OS.get_ticks_msec() touch_stop_time = null else: touch_index = null var relative = event.position - touch_position if relative.length() < min_swipe_distance: tap_count += 1 elif not explore_by_touch: if abs(relative.x) > abs(relative.y): if relative.x > 0: emit_signal("swipe_right") else: emit_signal("swipe_left") else: if relative.y > 0: emit_signal("swipe_down") else: emit_signal("swipe_up") touch_position = null touch_start_time = null touch_stop_time = OS.get_ticks_msec() explore_by_touch = false elif event is InputEventScreenDrag: if touch_index and event.index != touch_index: return if not explore_by_touch and OS.get_ticks_msec() - touch_start_time >= explore_by_touch_interval: explore_by_touch = true TTS.speak("Explore") func _process(delta): if touch_stop_time and OS.get_ticks_msec() - touch_stop_time >= tap_execute_interval and tap_count != 0: touch_stop_time = null if tap_count == 2: press_and_release("ui_accept") tap_count = 0 if focus_restore_timer and focus_restore_timer.time_left <= 0: var focus = find_focusable_control(get_tree().root) if focus and not focus.get_focus_owner(): print("Restoring focus.") focus.grab_focus() focus.grab_click_focus()