# Godot TTS This addon was primarily developed for the [Godot Accessibility addon](https://github.com/lightsoutgames/godot-accessibility), but should work well in other contexts where a Godot game might require text-to-speech. ## Supported Platforms Text-to-speech is complicated, and some features may not work everywhere. Most optional features have an associated boolean property used to determine if the feature is available. Further, while I do attempt to ensure that this addon works as well as possible on all platforms, there may be bugs, and pull requests are welcome. Known supported platforms include: * Windows * Screen readers via [Tolk](https://github.com/dkager/tolk/) * Native WinRT * Linux via [Speech Dispatcher](https://freebsoft.org/speechd) * HTML 5 * Android ## Features * Speaking text, with interruption support on most platforms * Stopping speech in progress * Getting and setting speech rate in both native synthesizer units and percentages * Detecting whether a screen reader is active ## API The public-facing API is contained entirely within [TTS.GD](TTS.GD). ## Download Download the [latest release](https://github.com/lightsoutgames/godot-tts/releases).