tool extends Node const TTS = preload("godot-tts.gdns") var tts = null func _ready(): # Only initialize TTS if it's available or if we're in the editor. if TTS.can_instance() or Engine.editor_hint: print_debug("Attempting to load TTS.") tts = elif Engine.has_singleton("AndroidTTS"): tts = Engine.get_singleton("AndroidTTS") else: print_debug("TTS not available!") func set_rate(rate): if tts != null: tts.rate = rate func get_rate(): if tts != null: return tts.rate else: return 0 var rate setget set_rate, get_rate func speak(text, interrupt := true): print_debug("%s: %s" % [text, interrupt]) if tts != null: tts.speak(text, interrupt) func stop(): if tts != null: tts.stop() func get_is_rate_supported(): if Engine.get_singleton("AndroidTTS"): return false elif tts != null: return tts.is_rate_supported() else: return false var is_rate_supported setget , get_is_rate_supported func singular_or_plural(count, singular, plural): if count == 1: return singular else: return plural func _exit_tree():