import {Cell, World} from "mapgen-demo"; import { memory } from "mapgen-demo/mapgen_demo_bg"; const CANVAS_SIZE = 750; const GRID_COLS = 80; const GRID_ROWS = 50; const CELL_SIZE = CANVAS_SIZE/GRID_ROWS; const TILE_SIZE = 39; // Init canvas const canvas = document.getElementById("mapgen-canvas"); canvas.height = CELL_SIZE * GRID_ROWS; canvas.width = CELL_SIZE * GRID_COLS; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Info box const infoDiv = document.getElementById('map-info'); // API to the WASM let world = null; // Load tiles bitmap let tiles_image = new Image(); tiles_image.src = 'assets/tiles.png'; // Take provided seed or generate new one function get_seed() { var seed_text = document.getElementById("seed").value; if( seed_text.length > 0) { return Number(seed_text); } return; } // Map generators function newCellularAutomata() { world = World.new_cellular_automata(GRID_COLS, GRID_ROWS, get_seed()); requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); } function newSimpleRooms() { var seed =; world = World.new_simple_rooms(GRID_COLS, GRID_ROWS, get_seed()); requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); } function newBspInterior() { var seed =; world = World.new_bsp_interior(GRID_COLS, GRID_ROWS, get_seed()); requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); } function newDrunkard() { var seed =; world = World.new_drunkard(GRID_COLS, GRID_ROWS, get_seed()); requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); } function newRandomGen() { var seed =; world = World.new_random(GRID_COLS, GRID_ROWS, get_seed()); requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); } const renderLoop = () => { // universe.tick(); drawCells(); requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); }; const getIndex = (row, column) => { return row * GRID_COLS + column; }; const is_inner_wall = (tiles, col, row) => { for (let c = Math.max(col - 1, 0); c < Math.min(col + 2, GRID_COLS); c++) { for (let r = Math.max(row - 1, 0); r < Math.min(row + 2, GRID_ROWS); r++) { if ((c != col || r != row) && tiles[getIndex(r, c)] == Cell.Floor) { return false; } } } return true; } const draw_tile = (ctx, row, col, tile_type) => { var tile_x = 0; var tile_y = 0; if (tile_type == "floor") { tile_x = 3; tile_y = 2; } else if (tile_type == "wall") { tile_x = 0; tile_y = 3; } else if (tile_type == "player") { tile_x = 0; tile_y = 8; } else if (tile_type == "exit") { tile_x = 10; tile_y = 1; } else { tile_x = 18; tile_y = 0; } ctx.drawImage( tiles_image, tile_x * TILE_SIZE + 3, tile_y * TILE_SIZE + 3, TILE_SIZE - 3, TILE_SIZE - 3, col * CELL_SIZE, row * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE); } const drawCells = () => { const tilesPtr = world.tiles(); const tiles = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, tilesPtr, GRID_COLS * GRID_ROWS); // tiles for (let row = 0; row < GRID_ROWS; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < GRID_COLS; col++) { const idx = getIndex(row, col); if (tiles[idx] == Cell.Floor) { draw_tile(ctx, row, col, "floor"); } else if (is_inner_wall(tiles, col, row)){ draw_tile(ctx, row, col, "inner-wall"); } else { draw_tile(ctx, row, col, "wall"); } } } // Player position let player = world.player_pos(); draw_tile(ctx, player.row(), player.col(), "player"); // Exit position let exit = world.exit_pos(); draw_tile(ctx, exit.row(), exit.col(), "exit"); }; newRandomGen(); // Connect UI element document.getElementById('cellular-automata-option').addEventListener('click', newCellularAutomata); document.getElementById('simple-rooms-option').addEventListener('click', newSimpleRooms); document.getElementById('bsp-interior-option').addEventListener('click', newBspInterior); document.getElementById('drunkard-option').addEventListener('click', newDrunkard); document.getElementById('random-option').addEventListener('click', newRandomGen);