import { Universe, Cell } from "wasm-game-of-life"; import { memory } from "wasm-game-of-life/wasm_game_of_life_bg"; const CELL_SIZE = 8; // px const GRID_COLOR = "#CCCCCC"; const DEAD_COLOR = "#FFFFFF"; const ALIVE_COLOR = "#000000"; // Construct the universe, and get its width and height. // const universe = Universe.new_spaceship(); const universe =; const width = universe.width(); const height = universe.height(); // Give the canvas room for all of our cells and a 1px border // around each of them. const canvas = document.getElementById("game-of-life-canvas"); canvas.height = (CELL_SIZE + 1) * height + 1; canvas.width = (CELL_SIZE + 1) * width + 1; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); let animationId = null; const renderLoop = () => { fps.render(); for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) { universe.tick(); } drawGrid(); drawCells(); animationId = requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop); }; const drawGrid = () => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = GRID_COLOR; // Vertical lines. for (let i = 0; i <= width; i++) { ctx.moveTo(i * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1, 0); ctx.lineTo(i * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1, (CELL_SIZE + 1) * height + 1); } // Horizontal lines. for (let j = 0; j <= height; j++) { ctx.moveTo(0, j * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1); ctx.lineTo((CELL_SIZE + 1) * width + 1, j * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1); } ctx.stroke(); }; const getIndex = (row, column) => { return row * width + column; }; const drawCells = () => { const cellsPtr = universe.cells(); // This is updated! const cells = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, cellsPtr, width * height / 8); ctx.beginPath(); // Alive cells. ctx.fillStyle = ALIVE_COLOR; for (let row = 0; row < height; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < width; col++) { const idx = getIndex(row, col); if (!bitIsSet(idx, cells)) { continue; } ctx.fillRect( col * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1, row * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE ); } } // Dead cells. ctx.fillStyle = DEAD_COLOR; for (let row = 0; row < height; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < width; col++) { const idx = getIndex(row, col); if (bitIsSet(idx, cells)) { continue; } ctx.fillRect( col * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1, row * (CELL_SIZE + 1) + 1, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE ); } } ctx.stroke(); }; const bitIsSet = (n, arr) => { const byte = Math.floor(n / 8); const mask = 1 << (n % 8); return (arr[byte] & mask) === mask; }; const isPaused = () => { return animationId === null; }; const playPauseButton = document.getElementById("play-pause"); const play = () => { playPauseButton.textContent = "⏸"; renderLoop(); }; const pause = () => { playPauseButton.textContent = "▶"; cancelAnimationFrame(animationId); animationId = null; }; playPauseButton.addEventListener("click", event => { if (isPaused()) { play(); } else { pause(); } }); canvas.addEventListener("click", event => { const boundingRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const scaleX = canvas.width / boundingRect.width; const scaleY = canvas.height / boundingRect.height; const canvasLeft = (event.clientX - boundingRect.left) * scaleX; const canvasTop = (event.clientY - * scaleY; const row = Math.min(Math.floor(canvasTop / (CELL_SIZE + 1)), height - 1); const col = Math.min(Math.floor(canvasLeft / (CELL_SIZE + 1)), width - 1); universe.toggle_cell(row, col); drawGrid(); drawCells(); }); const fps = new class { constructor() { this.fps = document.getElementById("fps"); this.frames = []; this.lastFrameTimeStamp =; } render() { // Convert the delta time since the last frame render into a measure // of frames per second. const now =; const delta = now - this.lastFrameTimeStamp; this.lastFrameTimeStamp = now; const fps = 1 / delta * 1000; // Save only the latest 100 timings. this.frames.push(fps); if (this.frames.length > 100) { this.frames.shift(); } // Find the max, min, and mean of our 100 latest timings. let min = Infinity; let max = -Infinity; let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++) { sum += this.frames[i]; min = Math.min(this.frames[i], min); max = Math.max(this.frames[i], max); } let mean = sum / this.frames.length; // Render the statistics. this.fps.textContent = ` Frames per Second: latest = ${Math.round(fps)} avg of last 100 = ${Math.round(mean)} min of last 100 = ${Math.round(min)} max of last 100 = ${Math.round(max)} `.trim(); } }; play();